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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~Thomas Edison(1847-1931)~ "未来的医师给予病人的,将不会是药物,而是致力於保养人类的骨架,饮食控制及找出造 成疾病的原因,並预防之." ~爱迪生搬硬套~(1847-1931)~

How it works?


Thanks to Prof. Hsieh for the invention and Mr. Soh for sharing to all who are in need of this remarkable product. The followings are the six keys product functions.

  1. 矫正足弓 (Realign Arches)
    (It aligns the 52 pieces of bones in our feet so that they can bear the weight of our body, thus reducing stress in our spine and joints)

  2. 调整神经系统 (Regulates Neural System)
    改善脊椎不整齐排列所引起的神经传导障碍,提升全身能量及各脏腑的功能。 (It corrects abnormal curvature of our spine which in turn clears blockages in the nerve impulse transmission, regulates the nervous system and enhances effective functionality of internal organs.

  3. 促进新陈代谢 (Facilitate Metabolism)
    (The Far Infrared Ray and Negative Ion help improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, increases oxygen levels and immune system system in our body, release pressure and enhance quality of sleep. These are also known as "Nature's Life Enhancing Particles".

  4. 脚底按摩 (Foot Reflexology)
    (It massages the vital reflex point (Yong Quan) in our feet which are linked to our major organs which include our brain. This balances our "Yin" and "Yang" and assist us in our growth, procreation and aging.

  5. 负離子效應 (Negative Ion)
    高單位的负離子, 可有效舒緩压力恢复体力排除疲勞 (The presence of high level of negative ion helps relief pressure, improves energy and eliminates tiredness)

  6. 殺菌功能 ( Anti bacteria)


Thanks to the innovation of GoodARCH Insoles - Far Infrared Nanopowders - Negative Ion - "Jing Luo"

posted by David Jeslyn @ 9:39 AM,


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