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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~Thomas Edison(1847-1931)~ "未来的医师给予病人的,将不会是药物,而是致力於保养人类的骨架,饮食控制及找出造 成疾病的原因,並预防之." ~爱迪生搬硬套~(1847-1931)~

Begin the Journey of the Life with HEALTHY Foot Arches

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We are almost unaware how injurious a misaligned arch can harm us, especially when it is asymptomatic or when we are young…. Our feet are the major weight-bearing part of the body. The foot contains 26 bones, up to 2 sesamoid bones, and many small structures which support and balance the weight of the entire body.

With years of ignorance and neglect could cause a series of health problems to surface, which include basic body movements such as walking... Walking puts up to 1.5 times one's body weight on the foot, and humans walk an average of 1,000 miles per year. Therefore, foot pain is common.

Researchers have also found that 87% of those suffer from chronic foot complications have misaligned arches and skeletal structure problems. Half of the Americans polled by the American Podiatric Medical Association had missed a day of work because of foot problems.

Foot pain is not normal and should not be ignored; problems can affect the functioning of other parts of the body, including the hips, knees, and back. These are foot-related problems that may be related to biomechanical issues. Podiatrists, physical therapists and sports medicine practitioners will often recommend custom foot orthoses/ insoles as part of a treatment regimen.

In the past, orthotics was thought to be only for the elderly or for those with deformed feet or problems caused by an accident. Today, custom foot orthoses/ insoles are becoming a needs in a life.

What are foot arches ?

Structurally, our body is like a building. Just as the stability of a building depends on the solidity of its foundation, our health rests on the strength and condition of our arches.

The arches of our feet are subjected to a lot of stress in supporting our weight and helping us in locomotion. This stress could misalign our arches. The most serious and direct impact of the misalignment is the tilting of our skeletal structure. The tilt compresses our nerves. This leads to a host of health problems.

Three Major Causes of Arch Misalignment:
  1. Congenital or hereditary defects. (low arches, high arches)

  2. Environmental influence and affluent lifestyle. (walking extensively and the wearing of fashionable but inappropriate footwear)

  3. Incorrect posture when standing, walking and sitting.

Knowing the common symptoms of misaligned arches:

  1. Scoliosis, twisted spine.
  2. Bunions.
  3. Degenerative knee joints.
  4. Humpback.
  5. Plantar Fasciitis
  6. Difficulty in walking & standing for long periods, difficulty in climbing stairs.
  7. Foot pointing inwards or outwards.
  8. Calluses. (Thick Skin)
  9. Constipation, polyuria (frequent urination).
  10. Uneven pelvis, uneven shoulders.
  11. Sensitive nose.
  12. Achilles Tendonitis
  13. Backache, stiff shoulders.
  14. Digestive & lung function.
  15. Sciatica, numbness/ Morton's Neuroma.
  16. Prostate & gastrointestinal problem.

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posted by David Jeslyn @ 10:00 AM, ,